Textile Finishing
Textile finishing studies mean here application of formerly elaborated solutions of functionalities on textile surface that is facilitated with the aid of padding-squeezing, padding-squeezing-drying-heating as well as printing, coating or dyeing methods.
Application of mico- and nano-size functionalities
Both polymer and inorganic particles are of interest. In case of the former one natural and synthetic polymers are used in set conditions required for nano-, micro-structures formation. Therefore dilute solutions are triggered to convert to crosslinked polymer coils. This type of solutions is also a prerequisite for e.g. ink-jet printing on textiles, due to machine system requirements. Of particular interest are those structures that act against bacteria. Inorganic nano-size particles of metals are used for antibacterial finishing of textiles as well.
Continuous hydrogels
Continues hydrogels are formed when critical concentration of polymer in solution is reached. Then, polymer coils are close to each other or they penetrate each other and triggering crosslinking reaction results in formation of continuous networks. Such systems can be formed directly on textile surface as a thin layer if a padding-squeezing or classical printing method is applied. Of particular interest are those systems that are likely to swell to great extent and present antibacterial action.
Biologically active compounds
A study was initiated by professor E. Rybicki, TUL, and aimed at textiles finished with antibiotics. It has been further continued with range of antibiotics, and their mixtures as well. This fast method allows construction of textiles acting against bacteria in dependence of the applied antibiotic. Samples are meant for clean and dirty surface skin wounds treatment.